The administration is always looking to make physical improvements to our campus and make things better than before.
The campus was built in 1964 so things are run down and need attention. As of right now administrators have fixed the bathrooms, changed the stalls, and worked on the roofs of classrooms and the Tiger gym over the summer.
Over winter break they added projector lights in the Tiger gym that can display any video or projection onto the floor. The basketball team was the first to use this at their game, projecting a video introducing the team.
Although it is very nice and so generous, I feel that the money that was used for this could have gone to necessities affecting more students throughout the year. There are other items that need attention that administrators could prioritize to complete.
Tennis, softball and baseball all have to deal with the issue of not having lights on their field and courts. Practice is based around how much daylight time is available. Without lights, games are often interrupted as well. This past tennis season, players had to bring their cars to shine headlights onto the court so that they could continue to play.
I feel it’s crucial for these sports to be able to play after dark since the time changes and they get less daylight. Now that school ends later in the day at 3:40, players have even less daylight time. This becomes a safety concern for those involved in these sports because players would like to continue playing in the dusk hours, but someone could get hurt without the use of lights.
Mya Arista (12) is a varsity softball player who feels that their field needs some attention. Arista stated, “I understand our school is old and needs to be touched up, but it would be so beneficial to have lights so that we can play after dark and not have to base our practices off of how much daylight we have.”
These new improvement projects are amazing and appreciated by all, but I feel the school needs to put money elsewhere and into projects that are more needed. Admin needs to prioritize the more important things and put their money where it’s most needed and then do the fun projects afterwards.