Easter traditions hold strong over the years

Christina Navarro, Staff Reporter

Easter traditions have been around for years.  The most popular tradition involves kids running around on a sunny spring day trying to find decorated eggs filled up with all sorts of treats. Different traditions are celebrated within families such as camping and spend time with family, praising the Lord, eating good food, making bunny decorations and so much more. This year, due to COVID will be quite different from the rest.  Many families will continue to social distance from others, wear masks, or spend the holiday alone. There are long time traditions that still can be observed through this pandemic.

Traditions around Easter can be based on Christianity beliefs and events from over a decade ago. Easter is the most important Christian festival of the year because it’s when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to the bible, Jesus was the resurrected and came back to life on Easter Sunday. Easter has been on Sunday ever single time, according to the Christian calendars the first full Moon of spring is called the “Paschal Full Moon.”  To put in other words Easter is always observed on the Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon. Easter marks the anniversary of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven, so this holiday will be able to teach other Christians a lot more about faith. Many Christians worldwide celebrate Easter with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers and ringing of church bells, and so much more.

Easter eggs and the Easter bunny are the most common among all Easter traditions. When eggs are hidden, children find them for the Easter Egg Hunt. Easter candy is placed inside the plastic eggs. Other Easter traditions is having small Easter Parades and wearing new spring clothes on Easter. Families around the world can have decoration games for the eggs, potato sack race jumping bags, eating contest, egg-and-spoon race, pin the tail on the donkey, matching game, egg tapping, and other creative traditions.

There is also traditional food such as honey ham, hot cross buns, Easter pie, roast chicken, rosquillas, Simnel cake, pinca, roasted lamb, Easter biscuits, etc. There are many different food traditions for everyone around the world, some may share their recipes and some may even invite you to dinner. On Easter day, like Christmas day, is associated also with special foods. Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast, roasted lamb which is the main dish at Jewish Passover is the main traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day, and Simnel cake is baked for tea that many others enjoy. For dessert, families can have chocolate malt nest cake, Easter bunny cake, bunny Oreo balls, mini egg cupcakes, apple pie, cheesecake, ice cream, and even brownies.

Whatever your traditions are, have fun on this upcoming Easter with family and friends, but most importantly, stay safe.