Senior Documents her Final School Year through Videos

Lesley Castro

Lesley Castro has a YouTube channel featuring her videos.


Lesley Castro loves documenting life events, whether its of her family, trips, dance competitions, or anything else.

One event Castro finds worthy of recording this year is her time as a senior.  With time slipping by quickly, Castro finds that she, like other seniors, can capture these moments forever through videos.

“My hopes for these videos is to allow everyone this year to look back on them and remember the fun times or even to catch history,” Castro said.

Students can watch her videos on her YouTube channel, “Lesley Castro” or watch the videos featured on the PawPrint website as they are posted.  She plans on recording the full school year.

Castro hopes to use her video skills in the future in film or on YouTube.

Videos posted:

Painting Parking Lot:

Senior Sunrise:

Senior Walk-In:

First Football Game: