Los Banos High School Implements New Bell Schedule 2022

September 1, 2022
With the new school year in Los Banos, a new California law establishes a later bell schedule for all students to follow this year in 2022.
In 2019, California legislators voted on a new law that requires all high schools across the state to start no earlier than 8:30 am. The effect of this new law is to have students going to school with good rest and energy to start their day for school.
Some high schools in California already start at 8:30 a.m. before the law was implanted so this does not have effect on them at all, but some do which include Los Banos High School. Last year Los Banos High School started at 7:45 am and finished at 2:55 pm with seven periods with the span of 50 minutes for each class. This year Los Banos High School starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:40 pm with seven periods with the span of 50 minutes as well.
The new bell schedule may not be seen as a negative thing for students since they get more rest which is the reason California approved of this law in the first place. “I like it; less people are tired, which makes for a better environment for school,” said Jackson Silva.
Yet for student athletes it has been seen as a negative, “Ineffective,” David Herrera commented. Many athletes feel that this new schedule makes things harder for them to do homework since practice is later and and some sports have sport-related activities even before school like weight training or watching film.