Social Media Can Affect Your Future

January 17, 2017
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, we all have them. The social media plays a huge part in our lives whether we like it or not, but most of us don’t realize that. It can influence the way we feel or think about things. Social media helps “get the word out” about big news, communicate with others, and it comes along with many uncontrollable memes.
But the big thing lots of students don’t realize, is that one post, retweet, or favorite can end up costing you a scholarship, a job, or an acceptance into a college. What we post can be viewed by thousands and thousands of people all around the world .
If you’re planning on playing sports in college, you especially need to watch what you post on social media. Coaches do not want to see inappropriate language or about how hard you partied last night.
Your social media, along with your grades and talent, is the biggest thing they will look at. They would rather have a kid who volunteers at the animal shelter Saturdays, than a kid who goes to parties and gets drunk.
Although not all of us use social media to post bad behavior, it is still important to watch what you do on it. Social media can be fun to use to talk to your friends or just to get amused, but don’t get caught up and post things you should not be doing. Just because you delete it, does not mean it is gone.