Students who excel in Spanish have the privilege of joining one of Los Banos High School’s oldest clubs called the Spanish Honor Society.
The Spanish Honor Society is a club that represents all native Spanish speakers. It is an academic honor society that is focused on Spanish language excellence and promotes interest in Spanish studies. According to the president of the club Joanna Monobe (12), she shared that “In order for you to be accepted into the Spanish Honor society, you must have three passing consecutive semesters of Spanish with A’s.”
Co-advisor Mr. Herrera also shared some thoughts in a recent interview about how he would like to see the club grow. “I would like to help the Spanish Honor Society grow as well as the members and help more Spanish speakers graduate with distinction.”
When seniors graduate, since this is an academic club, membership to this club can be written on college applications. Seniors who are well involved in Spanish Honor Society can expect to be rewarded with a cord at the end of the year that they can wear during graduation.
The Spanish Honor Society always hosts a yearly dance at the end of the school year, but they weren’t able to do so last year. Mr. Herrera is looking forward to doing one this year and would like for it to be free entry and with many vendors inside selling all different types of foods and drinks. He would also like to have a music group to come and perform at this event.
The Spanish Honor Society is also having elections as they are currently looking for secretary and treasure officer positions to fill.
Next meeting for the Spanish Honor Society club will be October 1 in room 38.