As the new track season approaches, the team is buzzing with excitement. Coaches and athletes are eager to see their hard work pay off in upcoming meets, promising a season full of thrilling races and personal bests.
Anahi Garcia (11) is very new to track and field, but she’s already showing a lot of potential and determination. Garcia decided to take up this challenging sport for the first time this year. Garcia chose to take up pole vaulting and she said, “The event I decided to do was pole vault, because it seemed really interesting, fun and challenging.”
Garcia said, “One thing I am looking forward to the most this season is making memories with my friends, especially during our practices and meets.” Seeing as it is her first year of track, I’m sure these memories will be unforgettable.
Garcia’s track season has come with some challenges but the one that stood out to her the most was, “A challenge that I’ve faced so far was being scared to jump high up and over the mat. I overcame them by practicing and having confidence.”
Garcia has made a tremendous effort in overcoming her fear, and as time goes along she will increasingly become more confident in her abilities and that will only make her stronger as an athlete and as a person.
For Garcia’s goal that she wants to achieve this season she said, “I want to be the best at pole vault and to go over eight feet.” If you don’t know anything about pole vault, it’s an event where an athlete runs down a runway, plants a pole into a box, and uses it to propel themselves over a high bar.
Some advice that Garcia would leave to upcoming track and field athletes is, “I would say to always have fun and to try their best.” Wishing her all the luck in her upcoming season, go show your support.
Yacqeuline Aguirre (11) has been on the track and field team since her sophomore year. This is her second year competing at the Varsity level and is taking on so many events. The events that she does are 4x800m relay, 800m, 1600m, and the 3200m.
A little background on one of the many events Aguirre participates in, the 4x800m relay is an event where four runners each run 800 meters (two laps around the track). Each runner takes a turn, passing a baton to the next teammate after completing their leg of the race.
Aguirre said, “What I’m most looking forward to this upcoming track season is setting new PR’s on varsity and placing top three in all of my races.”
Track presents many challenges, and as a competitive sport, it can really put a lot of pressure on you. A challenge that Aguirre has faced was, “I was always extremely nervous before races and not performing the way I wanted to, I’ve overcome these obstacles by not doubting myself and being confident in my abilities.”
With challenges comes goals Aguirre said, “My goals for my future in track are to keep setting new and faster times for myself and to improve my overall speed!” Achieving these goals will require dedication and consistent training, but Aguirre is determined to push through and reach new heights in her performance.
If you’re just starting out, Aguirre said, “Some advice I’d give to someone new to track is to not compare yourself to anyone else and to focus on what you can achieve.” This mindset will help you stay motivated and enjoy the journey because that’s what matters most.
Make sure to go show your support at the next track meet on March 19 in Atwater. Go Tigers!