The Boys Volleyball team is gearing up for an exciting season, showcasing their dedication and teamwork during practices. With a strong roster and skilled players, they are determined to make a significant impact in the upcoming matches.
Patrick Warren (12) has been playing volleyball since his freshman year. As he reflected on his time with the team, Warren shared his excitement for the season ahead, he said, “I’m looking forward to the rides there and back from games with the guys and just enjoying my last year with everyone.”
As a middle blocker, he plays a crucial role in both defense and offense, using his height and agility to block opposing attackers and set up powerful hits for his team.
In addition to his defensive responsibilities, he also aims to improve his offensive skills. Warren said, “My goal for this season is being able to hit a 10-foot right side or a great topspin serve.”
When the game gets intense and the stakes are high, he relies on his teammates to keep the spirits up. Warren said, “I stay motivated by yelling with the guys and trying to get hype.”
“The goal I have for the upcoming season is that I want to make it to playoffs.” Warren is really determined to make it happen and has been rallying the whole team to stay focused.
In order to reach his end goal, he knows that he has to work hard each and every day. He shared that his biggest challenge he had to face was, “I struggled with hitting the ball harder but I worked on my vertical and now I can grab rim easy.”
The boys volleyball team has been on an impressive run this season, with a 7-2 record. They really shined at the Golden Valley Tournament, where they placed first in Division 3. This victory not only highlights their skills and teamwork, but also sets a strong foundation for the rest of the season.
Kavin Parreira (11) has been playing volleyball for over seven years. As he gears up for his junior season, he said, “One thing I’m most looking forward to is playing all the new teams in the CCC.”
As a libero his role is essential for defense. He specializes in receiving serves and digging up attacks from opponents. With his quick reflexes and agility, Parreira reads the game well, making accurate passes to help set up his teammates for successful plays.
Throughout the volleyball season, there are many exciting moments and achievements that are very memorable. One that stood out to Parreira the most was, “Being able to topspin jump serve.”
In the midst of challenges, the support of teammates is invaluable. Parreira said, “I stay motivated by my teammate Jordan. If he knows I’m having a hard time, he always walks over to calm me down.”
As we set out goals for the season, we aim to improve our teamwork and communication both on and off the court. “I just want to continue to get better and improve my game,” said Parreira.
Volleyball is a competitive sport and comes with a ton of challenges. Parreira said, “The biggest challenge I’ve faced would be getting in my head and my attitude. I have a really hard time overthinking and getting in my head but all my teammates know how to help me with it.”
Go out and show your support at the next home volleyball game on March 18 at 5:30 p.m. Go Tigers!