On February 22, the Extreme Sports club began selling kettle corn as a fundraiser for their future club trip that is being discussed.
The Extreme Sports club members are currently selling an XL kettle bag of popcorn for $10. The members are gathering up orders from students that want kettle corn and lists their names down to get it pre order. The members have successfully sold a couple bags of kettle corn so far and are continuing to increase their selling numbers.
The club hopes that the fundraiser money will be enough to cover future endeavors and a chance for the club to do some future activities. Although the club plans on hosting a field trip, they have not yet decided on the place to pick.
The deadline for students to get their bag of kettle corn is on March 20, and the members are trying to get as many students to pre order their popcorn as possible.
The club decided on selling the kettle corn by voting and almost everyone in the club loves popcorn so it was a good compromise the club did for the fundraising idea. Student Steve Vergara (12) is currently a member of the Extreme Sports club and has a fun time selling and getting pre-orders from students to help the club raise money. Steve Vergara said, “This fundraiser is really fun and it’s nice talking to people you’d never think you’d reach out to.”
With the club members trying to cram in as many more students as they can get to buy popcorn, the members enjoy selling their favorite sweet snack to other students to benefit their club.