Want to be Involved in Your Community?

Interact Club and DECA offer opportunities to serve others

Want to be Involved in Your Community?

Evelyn Rodriguez, Staff Reporter

Interact Club and DECA are clubs that are involved with community service and volunteer work. These clubs offer students a chance to be involved with their community and various projects.  Club advisers and club presidents keep members and the school informed of where and when opportunities to help the community happen throughout the year.

Interact Club, run by adviser Mrs. McCullough and club presidents Lauren McCullough and Kate Menefee, is a branch of the Los Banos Rotary Club. With over one hundred interested students signing up during Tiger Prowl week and 30 students attending the first meeting, the members hope to make a difference this year.  The Interact Club plans to assist the Rotary Club with events helping the community, in addition to several service projects on campus.  The first project is “Socktober Month” where the club will be collecting socks for the homeless.  In the month of November, the club plans to hold a can food drive, and in December, members would like to help out the Angel Tree by asking students for donations to fulfill Christmas wishes for local children.  Interested students can attend the monthly meetings in room 43 and sign up for the Remind Me app for upcoming information and meeting times. For more information, students can contact Lauren McCullough through [email protected] ,Kate Menefee through [email protected] , and Mrs.McCullough through [email protected].

DECA Club, formed in 1946, prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. In total they have over 215,000 members worldwide. Ms. Austin’s DECA Club is a Marketing Organization, which is involved in community service, competing at Career Development conferences, and fundraising. Ms. Austin, along with some students from her classes, volunteered at the quilt show on September 9th and 10th.  The first DECA meeting will be on September 28 in room 19. 

These clubs help students be involved in their community and provide work experience. If any of these clubs interest you, please join or support them by donating today.