Eric Macias cares for his pet lizard.
September 21, 2018
Do you have a pet? Do you like pets? Do you wish you had a pet?
Then this is the article for you.
Pets are undoubtedly a big part of some people’s lives. They are a friend for some, and for others, a small getaway from the stress of high school and life in general. To many, a pet is a member of the family and are always there for you.
Your fellow Tigers have tons of interesting pets ranging from cats, lizards, dogs and so much more.
Anthony Torres, 12, has a dog named Mini. She is a very longed legged chihuahua. He calls her a gazelle do to the speed at which she can get around the house. He claims she can get from downstairs to his room within the time it takes him to open the door. Her favorite food is a quesadilla or whatever leftovers he has. She likes playing fetch and getting petted. She is very friendly and likes to meet new people. To put her to sleep, he wraps her up in blankets, and she falls asleep like a burrito.
Senior Eric Macias, is the proud owner of four turtles, three dogs, one lizard, and a cat. The name of the lizard is Blue. It’s a Bearded Dragon. She is two years old. Its favorite food is watermelon. Her favorite pastime is chasing the cat. She has a much more relaxed personality than a cat or dog. She spends most of her time basking and looking intimidating. Macias said, “I like my Bearded Dragon slightly more than my cat. Don’t tell her; it will go straight to her head.”
Sarah Knorr, 12, is the proud owner of a french lop bunny, Grass Hole. She has had him for two years. At first he was very shy and skittish, but as she spent more time with him, he opened up to her. She cleans his cage twice a week and is very happy to have her little bunny psychiatrist. He really enjoys running around and getting attention. He can be mean at times, but overall is a really great pet.
Do you have a special pet to share with our campus? Let me know.