Job Opening: Looking for Student to Create Video Bulletin (NEXT YEAR!!)
Gear for the Video Bulletin!
February 25, 2020
The Los Banos High School has a weekly video bulletin and its production has been going on for eight years! It’s a staple around the school with most teachers showing them to their first period class every Friday. The producers, ASB members provide information and often laughter to teachers and students in the classroom.
But who actually does the video bulletins each week, year after year? Especially when students graduate and leave our campus? Who takes over? Well, this is a current issue. ASB is looking for someone who is willing to make these videos for the 2020-2021 school year.
Mr. Joe Barcellos, ASB advisor, commented on the situation saying, “The ASB class picks who is going to make them (video bulletins) next year, and they have to interview for the spot. We still have a ways to go…you should teach someone how to make them GabeN.”
Making the video bulletin is not simple. If anyone knows how to make videos then they know it is a pain to make them look good and especially having hundreds of students’ opinions on it.
Even with so much pressure every week, it is still the most fun any student will ever have. My role in ASB is to make the videos this year, and personally, I like the pressure at times. It is fairly simple to make them since I have three years of experience making videos.
The qualifications to apply to the “job” are:
Time management skills
Filming and editing knowledge. (ie. framing, camera angles, audio recording, iMovie/FCPX, music selection, titles, etc.)
Social skills
And many more…
There are many things to worry about when making the videos; however, I’ve written a “Guide to the Video Bulletin” on the notes app. It is a detailed breakdown on how to create cookie cutter video bulletins. The guide covers cameras, A-roll, filming and editing dates, rough rules, segments, software/hardware, YouTube settings, etc.
The last few years we have seen some talented students and great videos sharing school news.
In 2018-2019, they were made by Jamie Andrae and Jadie Beltran; and currently, 2019-2020, Gabriel Ortiz and Alexia Cortez film and edit the video bulletin.
If anyone is interested. Ask Mr. Barcellos or Gabriel Ortiz.