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The student news site of Los Banos High School


  • College and Career Fair March 14
  • Spring Break March 22-30
  • MultiCultural Night March 20
  • Portfolio Day March 7 and March 14
  • Buy your yearbook at
The student news site of Los Banos High School


The student news site of Los Banos High School




The PawPrint is an online newspaper publication produced by and for the students of Los Banos High School in Los Banos, California.

The PawPrint is updated weekly and is available for viewing to anyone with an Internet connection and an Internet browser. All updates are made by the Los Banos High School Journalism department.

Letters to the editor are welcome and can be delivered to Room 43 or emailed at [email protected]. Each letter must be signed and include the student’s grade.  Letters are subject to verification and editing. The opinions expressed in the editorials and columns are those of the student staff members and do not necessarily represent or reflect the opinions of the staff, faculty or administration of LBHS.

Readers are also encouraged to enter comments, positive and critical, directly on the website for each article. All comments must be approved by the site administrator before they appear on the website. The staff reserves the right to publish comments. Comments with inappropriate language will be declined.

Join the Pawprint today!  For more information on how to become a staff member, come to the Pawprint newsroom Room 43, speak with your school counselor, or email the adviser, Mrs. McCullough at [email protected].  

We also welcome articles from students as guest writers.