Bilingual? Trilingual? MULTILANGUAL???


Seal of Biliteracy applicants win awards.

Aileen Rangel, Staff Reporter

Are you fluent in one or more languages? ( and no, sarcasm, lyrics, and profanity does not count ) If you said yes, then you should check out the Seal of Biliteracy and apply next year if you are a junior or senior.

The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given to students who achieve proficient in two or more languages. In order to receive the award, students must go through a process that contains a series of steps.

First, students apply and send an electronic Seal Application form. Next, when the school receives notice of the application and student qualifications are verified, students will receive an email letting them know if they are eligible.

Then, students are asked to type an essay based on a question provided by the organization and a signed Parent Authorization Form is required. If a student receives a grade of proficient or higher on their essay, they will receive an email and continue to the next step.

After receiving the email, students will be asked to write another essay. This essay will be timed and must be written in the target language(s). Once again, if a student receives a proficient score, then they move on to the last step.

Finally, students attend two interviews in Merced. One interview will be in English and the second will be in the target language(s). If students are approved by the judges, students will be notified through email, and they  will be presented with their award on a given day.

PLEASE BE AWARE that if students miss any of these requirements, they will not be able to reschedule or make it up.

This year there were 77 students who applied. Of those 19 students were finalists and received their Seal of Biliteracy award in a ceremony.

Those finalists were : Zetzengari Alvarez, Alondra Armenta, Braulio Delgado, Cristal Esquivel, Valeria Fajardo, Bryant Flores, Carlos Gomez, Erika Gutierrez, Elena Gutierrez, Jennifer Lopez, Isabel Martinez, Mayra Mejia, Brianda Moreno, Carina Navarro, Mansi Patel, Sujey Ponce, Aileen Rangel, Emmanuel Vargas and Stephanie Yepez.

Why not double the applicants next year? Who wouldn’t want to be awarded for something so simple such as knowing how to read and write in at least two languages? Attaining the Seal of Biliteracy can even help you for future references! For more questions, come see Mr. Bencomo.