Elena Gutierrez Attends Summer Program

Elena Gutierrez Attends Summer Program

Lorenzo Rubio, Staff Reporter

Elena Gutierrez  was chosen to participate in the Stanford Youth Medical Science Program (SMYSP) for five weeks this past summer.

Gutierrez was accepted into the program over a myriad of 700 other applicants after sending in an application, recommendation letters, and conducting a  phone interview.  Each step narrowed down the competition.  She said Mr. Betschart told her about this opportunity. “I accepted since I was undetermined in my career path and wanted to explore my options.”

Within the program young students could participate in college level medical courses and programs.  Gutierrez was assigned to a hospital duty station where she worked alongside hospital staff, was exposed to a college level anatomy and physiology curriculum, and spent time preparing for SAT/ACT exams.

The intern experience of going to a hospital and learning in vivid detail the roles of the medical staff was eye opening for her.  “I was amazed by how active the nurses were and how their job wasn’t just going in to help patients, but actually take notes on vitals, use equipment I haven’t seen, how medicine is handled, and the difference between a charge nurse and a float nurse.”

In addition, she added, “This was the first time I saw the big picture of the world and the social issues that exist.”

Gutierrez was  acknowledged by the mayor and city council members with a proclamation recognizing and commending her for participating in the SMYSP program and encourage her to continue to work hard and accomplish her goals.