Guest Speaker Motivates Students At LBHS

Jacob Reyna, Reporter

On January 27, 2023, Dr. Adolph Brown, III came to Los Banos High School to speak to students. Dr. Adolph Brown, also known as “Doc Brown,” is a parenting expert, author, clinical psychologist, and keynote speaker.  He is recently hosting a television show called “Parent Test,” where he helps lead discussions about parenting skills and ways to successfully interact with children.

Dr. Brown was scheduled to speak during Pride Time. When Pride Time rolled around and students got seated, a man dressed in a black suit came up on stage. Students assumed this man was Dr. Brown. Music started to play and the man on stage started to dance. After he was done, a man dressed as a student went up on stage and introduced himself. He revealed to everyone that he was actually Dr. Brown, and the man on stage was just his godson.

Dr. Brown explained that dressing up as a student and having his godson take his place was a way to teach students not to judge a book by its cover. Dr. Brown explained that a lot of people judge others based off appearance only and ask questions like, “What’s wrong with them?” But he said the question we should be asking is, “What HAPPENED to them?”  He reminded everyone in the audience that they are “custom made.”  This means that everyone is unique and different and as a society, we need to embrace this idea about everyone we encounter in our lives.

He later used the backpack that he was wearing to teach students another lesson. He said that everyone has their own backpack with their own problems in it, so to be nice to everyone because you never know what their going through.

Dr. Brown attributes a lot of his successes in life to what he went through as a child. He was raised by a single mother in the inner city housing projects. It was here that he witnessed all kinds of things that a kid should never have to witness. His older brother, Oscar, was killed when he was only seven years old. Dr. Brown went on to become the first person in his family to graduate high school and attend and graduate from college.  He said that everyone has an ability to do great things in life and calls them “The three Es”  which include enlisted, enrolled, and/or employed.  These are three goals to have after high school.  When students look at these three choices, there are opportunities available to them.

Dr. Brown had a meet-and-greet time after the assembly for students.

Bottom line is to reach out to people and learn their stories.  Encourage each other to make the best choices for life and to live it each and every day.