FFA Creed speakers excel in English and Spanish speeches

Elizabeth Buenrostro (11), Zoey Wooten (9), advisor Mr. Stuart McCullough, and Jaylene Barriga (9) win big at the FFA State speech contest.

Angelina Valencia, Reporter


On April 20, the girls participated in the 2023 State speech contest at the Fresno Convention Center. Elizabeth Buenrostro placed sixth in the State in the Gold Division Spanish Creed, Jaylene Barriega placed fourth in the State in the Blue Division Spanish Creed, and a solid run in the Semifinal Round of English Creed for Zoey Wooten. Mr. McCullough expressed his pride in these students.  “Absolutely proud of these young women. All of the hours and months of practice to get to the California State FFA Speaking Finals. Local, Invitational, Sectional, and Regional Contests all had to be navigated in order to represent the Central Region FFA for a job well done.”

Los Banos High School has a very well-known reputation for the FFA program. The FFA program is one of the most successful clubs on campus with the amount of members and activities they endure throughout the year.

FFA also consists of many different projects students can join whether it is public speaking, showing, or volunteer work. Los Banos FFA Creed is a group of student speakers who compete at multiple competitions during the school year against other high schools. Students are to recite The FFA Creed which is a five paragraph essay word-for-word and have to answer a question from a judge by the end of the two minute speech maximum.

The FFA program has a very successful Creed team over the years, and for the first time in California, the program now has a Spanish Creed team. This Spanish Creed team consists of three Spanish speakers who are Elizabeth Buenrostro (11), Jaylene Barriga (9), and Angela Gutierrez (12). The team also consists of one English speaker who is Zoey Wooten (9).

Just recently, the team attended the Central Region FFA Public Speaking Finals on March 11 at the Modesto Junior College.

“The Central Region FFA Public Speaking Finals is traditionally the hardest contest to advance to the State Finals from of the six FFA Regions in the state. The Region houses many of the best speaking programs in the state producing numerous State Champion and National Champion Speakers consistently. The California State Association FFA has six Regions that cover the state, and the membership statewide just broke 100,000 members with the Central Region being the largest of the six,” says advisor Stuart McCullough.

Los Banos High School FFA has made it to the California State Association FFA State Speaking Finals with state finalist winners:

Freshman Zoey Wooten Placed 4th in the FFA Creed in English .

Freshman Jaylene Barriga Placed 1st in the FFA Creed Blue Division in Spanish

Junior Elizabeth Buenrostro Placed 3rd in the FFA Creed Gold Division in Spanish.