Having trouble giving a Valentine’s present?


Hailey Yates, Staff Reporter

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. This might scare some people, but don’t worry, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a dreaded holiday.

There is more to it than romance. You don’t have to be in a relationship to give the gift of love on Valentine’s Day. People will appreciate that you thought of them even if you are just friends.

There are many options for gift giving.  You can give them a typical Valentine’s Day gift of candy. Everyone likes candy, so you can’t go wrong with that gift. You can also be creative and make something from the heart, such as a jar of gummy worms that says “I’m hooked on you.” That would be appreciated even more than a store bought gift.

But, if you are like most people and don’t do the creative thing, take them out and do something fun together. Some fun things to do include going to the movies or even just going out to dinner.  This really shows you appreciate this special someone in your life.

It’s not about the price of the gift; it’s the meaning behind it.