Are you feeling the pressure? Don´t fear, the SAT tips are here!


Paulo Campos, Staff Reporter

The SAT is perhaps one of the most important test to take in high school for juniors and seniors. Results get sent out to colleges to see how well they test with English and Math. Test days follow from at least early August all the way through early June. Many students ask the question,”What are tips to help prepare for the SATs?”

Well here are some tips to improve SAT scores from past test takers to newcomers.

  1. Study the material: In order for maximum proficiency and knowledge to go in for the SAT, students will need to of course study the English and Math. There are books for the SAT, but is not needed, so do not feel bad. The English comes off as reading and comprehending the material, and the second English portion requires a knowledge of grammar like tenses and punctuation. Math is a whole different beast, and while it can be studied thoroughly, this next tip should relieve the stress.
  2. Group study sessions: Not many do it now, but in college, study groups are key to success, and here they can help substantially. Especially with math, just reviewing the material once or twice a week before the SAT can save students from the sound of giving up. Finding a group of friends to study can benefit with reviews, flashcards, and overall better understand the material.
  3. Finally a tip from Stephanie Galvan, current senior class president, says “ One tip before taking the SAT would be to get a goodnight sleep, and be confident with answering all the questions.” With her being experienced with the SAT, having a good night sleep can prevent from tiredness, crankiness, and allow for no sleep deprivation. Being confident with the answers is also important, since being doubtful of an answer can lead to choosing  the wrong answer. So choose the answer your gut tells you.

Overall, the SAT is a good experience and important test for students so colleges can see academic levels. This will help gain entrance into colleges of your choice, so take this test seriously and be prepared.  Try going for a 1100 score and above, since the maximum points are 1600.