Gaming Club Welcomes All Players

Fanasy Nelson

The Gaming Club offers a chance for students to bond over video games.

Fanasy Nelson, Staff Reporter

The Gaming club was put together by Mr. Charles Garber, history teacher, as well as some students who love to game.

Garber always had an interest in games since the age of 10 when he played “Donkey Kong” and “The Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past” on his Super Nintendo. He loves video games because he likes the fact that you can explore new and different “worlds” where a player can experience something they normally couldn’t, or just games that are simply beautiful and enjoyable.

He wanted to create a place for students who liked gaming to be able to interact with each other in person rather then online.

Garber commented, “I want it to be a welcoming place for students to have fun but also develop good interpersonal skills.”

A typical day in the Gaming Club involves everyone discussing upcoming games that will soon be released or play video games such as “Mario Kart + Super Smash Bros.” In addition, they have tournaments to see who is best player.

There are approximately 65 students who signed up to join the club, but 35 students who show up regularly. In the club the top three favorites games to play are “Super Smash Brothers,” “Injustice,” and “Call of Duty,” but that is only for students who have a permission slip signed and played after school only.

Shane Hogan, 10, commented, “Even if you are not in the Gaming Club, anybody is welcome.  It is a nice place to hang out and socialize.”

So if you enjoy playing games or just want to sit down and chat, stop by Friday’s at lunch and check out the Gaming Club located in Mr. Garber’s room 2.