Movie Review: IT Chapter 2

IT chapter 2 poster
September 24, 2019
IT Chapter 2 is the sequel to the 2017 film IT. The original characters return in the film, however they are now adults and played by a set of new, older actors. IT Chapter 2 begins with our now grown up characters returning to the town of Darry, Maine, the town where Pennywise once terrorized our characters 27 years ago, when they hear of people starting to disappear. The losers must conquer their deepest fears to defeat Pennywise, who is now stronger than ever.
In IT chapter 2, Jessica Chastain plays Beverly Marsh, Bill Harder as Richie Tozier, James Ransone as Eddie, Jay Ryan as Ben Hanscom, Isaiah Mustafa as Mike Hanlon and Wyatt Oleff as Stanley Uris. And of course, Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise.
It chapter 2 was the sequel to the 2017 film IT. Chapter 2 brings us back to the town of Darry, which we became familiar with from the first film. Chapter 2 has a run time of 2 hours and 50 minutes, and definitely felt stretched out and longer than it needed to be. There was also a lot of CGI (computer generated imagery).
There was some interesting scenes with the CGI, however where some of the individual terrors that were different for each character felt repetitive. Some things also felt unnecessary such as the return of Henry Bowers, a character who died in the 2017 prequel.
It Chapter 2 can be viewed locally at Los Banos Premiere Cinemas. Check your local listings for dates and times.