Halloween Superstitions

October 14, 2016
Halloween is filled with candy, costumes, spooky creatures, myths, omens, and much more. All of these elements help make Halloween one of the scariest times of the year. Superstitions, unjustified beliefs in the supernatural which causes certain consequences to happen play a major role in this holiday.
Many superstitions exist during this time. Here are thirteen.
- Black Cats- They are associated with bad luck, they are used in many Halloween decorations and are associated with witches.
- Bats- If you see a bat fly near or in your home on Halloween, it signifies there are spirits near by or in your home.
- Witches- They are another Halloween staple. Witches are seen to be evil. Throughout the years, they have been in many medians of media and movies. Often, they are viewed as ugly evil women.
- Ghosts- They are spirits that never made peace and moved on to the other side. If you see one on Halloween in your home, it might signify that they died in your home.
- Bells- They are used to ward off spirits on Halloween.
- Spiders- Another Halloween staple used in many decorations to scare children, but if you see one on Halloween night, it signifies a loved one is watching over you.
- Cemeteries- They are normally visited on Halloween night to try to talk or meet a spirit in their resting place.
- Jack-o-Lantern- If a candle is burned inside of one, they are used to ward off evil spirits.
- Footsteps- If you hear some on a dark Halloween night, then don’t turn around; it might mean the dead is following you.
- Coffins- It’s stated if someone lies in a coffin just for fun, they are inviting the dead.
- Owls- They used to be viewed as the spirits of the dying because would swoop down and steal things.
- Wind- It is believed that if someone feels a hard rush of wind, then they are destined to die within a year.
- Witches Broom- Old women used to use brooms as walking sticks and are thought to be evil.