Ms. Dias, Newest Learning Director Joins LBHS


Pat Martinez, Staff Reporter

As most of you know, Ms. Latta is our Learning Director, however, because this job requires so much work, Los Banos High School has hired a second learning director this year. Ms. Dias is the newest edition to our Administration!

Ms.Dias had been a teacher for some 15 years prior and like all things, the appeal of teaching was slowly fleeing to her.

Ms. Dias had then decided to pursue a further education while maintaining her job of the time. She attended CSU Stanislaus, The University of Phoenix, and Nation University for this reason.

Equipped with a Masters in Education and an administrative credential, Ms. Dias is more than qualified to handle the responsibilities of a Learning Director, and for those of you who don’t know what a learning Director does, they are tasked with handling level one discipline and also attendance.

Make sure to welcome her to our campus!