Teacher of the Week: Ms. Davidson


David Flores, Staff Reporter

This year is the second year of Ms.Davidson’s math teaching career at Los Banos High School. Only her second year into teaching and many students love her, why?

Ms. Davidson was born in Mission Hills, located in San Fernando Valley. She went to high school in Mission Hills but did not graduate there. For her senior year of high school, she moved to Bakersfield where she attended Ridge View High School.

Davidson attended UCLA for college because she is in love with Los Angeles.

Davidson decided to teach math because she wanted to change the way math was viewed, and so far, she thinks she is doing just fine at her goal. One saying students will always hear from Ms.Davidson is “I get to choose what I get upset about.” She does not let negativity affect her,  only the positive aspects of her days.

In Davidson’s free time, she dedicates time to her newborn niece and board games. Because board games have had such a big impact on her life, she, with a few of her students, decided to make The Game On Club.

The Game On Club is focused on critical thinking and entertaining students. So far the club has been doing a good job at the goal they set. The board games that are popular in the club right now are Friday The 13th, Werewolf, and Zombie Dice.

If you are interested in being a member of the new Game On Club, come and play in room 37, Mondays at lunch and Fridays after school.  You can meet Ms. Davidson, and perhaps, make some new friends while having a fun time.