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The student news site of Los Banos High School


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The student news site of Los Banos High School


The student news site of Los Banos High School


Arianna Ramirez

Arianna Ramirez, Staff Reporter

Hi, I’m Aria, I’m a junior, and I’m addicted to glitter and cartoons. I spend my days distracting myself from the loud, scary, adult world around me. I enjoy creating art, and singing my little soprano-heart out. When I say little, I meanĀ little. I’ve been five-foot-one-inch since the fifth grade, and I probably will be all my life. Yes, that’s right, that means I will never qualify to be a Disney Princess in the parks. Also, I can’t reach the olive oil or the colander that reside on the tippy-top shelves of my kitchen.

My mom will never hear the end of it.

I am the “Mabel Pines” of my family/friend group. (Ten points if you know what I mean) I’m goofy, clumsy, and perpetually enthusiastic about the things I’m passionate about. There’s nothing quite as comforting as the smell of acrylic paint and the warmth of my hot-glue gun.

All content by Arianna Ramirez